The enigmatic figures I draw are reflections of human conditions such as; wry, satire, whimsy, irony, paradox or the mismatches that happen often in people’s daily lives. My figures also employ a state of motion or movement suggesting an actor/actress who narrates a story in a play. The images in my intaglio prints in this exhibit are little figurines in action. They are cheerful, joyous and restless. They are all happy people.

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Artist Image #1
Wings of Wonder, 2017, 36"x24"
Artist Image #4
Seeing Unseen, 2021, 12"x9"
Artist Image #7
High Protein Live Treat, 2022, 18"x12"
Artist Image #2
Making a Flight, 2020, 36"x24"
Artist Image #5
After All, 2022, 18"x12"
Artist Image #8
Tiger, 2021, 6"x4"
Artist Image #3
Wheedle Noodle, 2021, 12"x9"
Artist_Image #6
Selfie without Filter, 2019, 18"x12"
Artist Image #9
Foul Bite, Happy Accident, 2022, 24"x18"
Corvallis, OR
United States

I was born in Osaka, Japan. I have a B.S. in Art Education from Tokyo Gakugei University, and degrees in printmaking from New Mexico State University (MA) and Indiana University (MFA). I taught at Oregon State University from 1992 until my retirement in 2021. I was named Distinguished Professor of Art in 2020.
Since 2010 I have had 16 solo shows in the US, as well as in Korea, Canada, Russia and Northern Ireland.
Some of the public collections that include my art are The British Museum, Tokyo Central Museum, Panstwowe Museum in Poland; The House of Humor and Satire in Bulgaria, Cincinnati Art Museum, Cleveland Art Museum, Portland Art Museum, New York Public Library, The Library of Congress and The Smithsonian’s Museum of Asian Art.