I consider myself a printmaker. The risks of the processes and the underlying reliance on drawing have always attracted me.

There are several images that reoccur in my work: the landscape of the Southwest, the human figure and the theater. I use these themes as a way to convey my observations and explorations of cultural symbolism and the nature of beauty.

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Artist Image #1
Once Upon a Time, solar etching, chine colle, monotype, '21
Artist Image #4
Yipee, solar etching, chine colle, monotype, '19
Artist Image #7
Dad Was a Real Cowboy, solar etching, drypoint, monotype, '19
Artist Image #2
A Lifetime Ago, inkjet, chine colle, monotype, collage, '20
Artist Image #5
Cowboys Come 'n Go, solar etching, chine colle, monotype, '19
Artist Image #8
Contemplating Florence, monotype, chine colle, stamp, '19
Artist Image #3
Self-portrait Recycled, etching, chine colle, monotype, '22
Artist_Image #6
Scarlett's Hearts, solar etching, monotype, stamp, '19
Artist Image #9
Protected Heart, etching and aquatint, chine colle, '18
Fallbrook, CA
United States

Dixon is a native Californian, born in Bishop at the foot of the Sierra’s. Before he started school, his family moved to Arizona where he was raised on desert cattle ranches. It was there that he came to love the wide-open spaces of the sky and landscape.

He attended Phoenix College and then Arizona State University where he earned a Master of Fine Arts degree. His MFA thesis and exhibition was based on an historical exploration of visual ambiguity.

His art and design work has been exhibited and recognized with awards regionally and internationally.