My art reflects what I see when I look at the natural elements of nature all around me. I am always seeing the shapes, colors, light, shadows and defining lines that will make up the total image.

I am influenced by my own history and draw upon my experience and interests in all of the things that have been important to me and that have made me who I am today.

How I put all of this together on a two-dimensional surface, whether as a printmaker, watercolorist, or with a mix of various media is what becomes very exciting for me as an artist. I find that there is no finish line in sight.

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Artist Image #1
'A Time To Embrace' Monoprint w/chine colle - 2018
Artist Image #4
'Night Riders'-Etching/Aquatint/Rainbow Roll-2017
Artist Image #7
'Paradise' - Monoprint w/chine colle
Artist Image #2
'Desert Scene-Golden' Photopolymer Etching w/viscosity -2018
Artist Image #5
'Through a Glass Pane' - Monoprint w/chine colle - 2015
Artist Image #8
'White on Dark' - Monoprint/negative/positive - 2014
Artist Image #3
'Desert Scene-Red' Photopolymer Etching w/viscosity roll
Artist_Image #6
'Falling Water' - Monoprint w/water soluble crayon
Artist Image #9
'Night Into Day' - Monoprint/viscosity method
Tarzana, CA
United States

Education: Fine Arts major at: University of Judaism, L.A. CA; University of Haifa, Israel; Printmaking at Otis Art Institute, LA, CA; UCLA-(Professional Certificate in Printmaking);Ongoing work with various Master Printers.
Memberships: Los Angeles Printmaking Society; Artists Co-op7; Women Painters West; California Society of Printmakers; Collage Artists of America; Jewish Artists Initiative.
Exhibits & more: Haifa Municipality Invitational; Art Teacher/Haifa Univ; Print Exchange Seoul, Korea; Ink & Clay Cal Poly; experimental Prints/Occidental College L.A. CA; Belfast Ireland Print Exchange LAPS; Riverside Art Museum Collection; Riverside City College, Quad Gallery; JAI Jerusalem Biennale 2015, 2017 & 2019; SLO Museum of Art; The Braid Gallery; 'The Hand Magazine, etc.

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