Since 1997, I have worked with rabbit imagery to explore whether a long-eared herbivore can communicate complex emotions and ideas. Over time, these characters have begun to engage and explore their world through scientific discovery. I focus on scientific disciplines that offer a view of the rabbits’ place in the larger processes of the natural world, my hope being that the viewer sees a strange reflection of human discovery in a new species (albeit a fictional one) “rediscovering” the world they inhabit.

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Artist Image #1
Measuring Shells (for Gould), lithograph w/ hand-tinting, 2010
Artist Image #4
Bird Netting, etching & sugar-lift w/ collagraph relief, 2012
Artist Image #7
Stratigraphy of E. Margaret Panizzi, PhD, woodcut, 2019/2020
Artist Image #2
Gloaming Behavior (for Goodall), lithograph, 2010
Artist Image #5
Ruffed Grouse in Winter: Flushing Quarry, drypoint, 2017
Artist Image #8
Nebraska Excavation, lithograph w/ chine-colle, 2019/2020
Artist Image #3
Glacial Core, etching & sugar-lift w/ collagraph relief, 2012
Artist_Image #6
Yellowing Palm Disease: Checking Xylem Pressure, drypoint, 2017
Artist Image #9
An Out-the-Door Phylogeny of Eurypterids, drypoint, 2020
Easthampton, MA
United States

Born in Knoxville, Tennessee. Raised in Cincinnati, Ohio. Lives in Easthampton, Massachusetts. Member of the Boston Printmakers, the Los Angeles Printmaking Society, the Visual Resource Association and the New York Paleontological Society.