Award winning Artist, Designer, Printmaker, in alphabetical order.


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Artist Image #1
The One That Sits Above #2 (portrait), Intaglio, Block print mixed media, 2022
Artist Image #4
DustMaker 2, Intaglio/Block print collage, 2022
Artist Image #7
Te Ata, Intaglio/Block print collage, 2022
Artist Image #2
DustMaker 1, Intaglio/Block print collage, 2022
Artist Image #5
Death of a River, Intaglio, 2021
Artist Image #8
Flag 1, Intaglio/Block print collage, 2022
Artist Image #3
The One That Sits Above #3, Intaglio, Block print mixed media, 2022
Artist_Image #6
Dog on Couch, Intaglio, 2021
Artist Image #9
Rider on the Storm, Intaglio/Block print collage, 2022
Los Angeles, CA
United States

Based in Los Angeles California, Jimmy Dean Horn JR. is a citizen of the Chickasaw Nation, and is an award winning artist, designer, and printmaker. His is currently exploring a carbon low impact intaglio printmaking method, but he also works in other art forms such as, stained glass, digital mediums, and illustration. He is most known for his print work as the Art Director for DicE Magazine. DicE is printed quarterly and is an art mag that showcases SoCal motorcycle/chopper inspired lifestyle that pulls inspiration from Raygun, iD, and old punk flyers. In between his work with DicE mag Jimmy creates and explores different avenues of art and self expression then showcases it in his zine SNARE.

Jimmy comes from the dawn of the digital age and a graphic design educational background. He explores the connection between the hand made and the screen. His recent explorations in printmaking find the edges of how they can exist in a digital landscape. He has questioned how a print can evolve past a single static piece. His moving prints are a beautiful bridge between the tactical and the digital world, showcasing the variations in texture, color, and even movement.